The Beacon Show - In Memory of Claire Sumners


When we first began designing The Beacon Show our very good friend Claire Sumners jumped straight on board! She talked through environmental concerns, ways we could promote sustainable tourism in Seaford and why it was a vital part of the exhibitions story.  She was genuinely really excited about the whole project, as she was a huge advocate not only for the environment but also the arts.

Claire was diagnosed with Cancer in November 2021 and passed away before she could see the exhibition.


Claire was an absolute force, her passion for reducing plastics in the community, cleaning the beaches and educating the next generation about climate change and marine environments was infectious. She proudly held the title of regional representative for Surfers Against Sewage, and was instrumental in gaining Seaford the Plastic Free Community status.

SCIP would like to dedicate The Beacon Show to Claire. She is so terribly missed by the SCIP team as she was a wonderful friend, but we take comfort in the fact that she has inspired so many people to start making the small changes which will make a big difference.

Claire dreamed of a world which stopped producing plastic drinks bottles and take away coffee cups which are responsible for millions of tonnes of waste each year, leaking micro plastics into our food chain and chemicals into our water.

So if you want to make a change get yourself a reusable water bottle, and a reusable coffee cup – she would have been super proud of you!

We made a film with Claire a few years ago about her work with Surfers Against Sewage and Plastic Free Seaford. 

The Beacon Show is funded by