The Beacon Show is a public arts trail running along the leangth of the beautiful Seaford Beach. 

The exhibition features artworks by some of the worlds best illustrators, portrait photography and written word as we shine a light on the towns coastal community. 

The trail is open from the 27th May - 3rd October 2022 and can be visited any time.

For more information visit our Beacon Show page 

Please let us know what you thought by tagging us in your social media posts #BeaconShow


The Beacon Show was part funded by The European Regional Development Fund as part of the Welcome Back Fund. 

Funded by Sussex Community Foundation, Rampion Offshore Wind, The National Lottery Community Fund #Togetherforourplanet , Cheeky Wipes, Florence House, Brighton & Hove Busses

Supported by Seaford Town Council, Visit Lewes, Hello Flamingo, Parker Building Supplies, Valspar and Daler Rowney

  • Date
  • Venue Beacon Show Trail Start
  • Price Free
BN25 2QR

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